Check Out Some Other Awesome People!
Artitsts and Artworks
Kristina Stipetic.
Janet Kagan.
Everest Pipkin.
the html review.
Alison Bechdel.
Scientific Sites and Research Advice
The Climate Explorer.
Aster Cowart, Planetary Geologist.
Scientist Sees Squirrel.
The Thesis Whisperer.
Of Particular Signifigance.
From the Lab Bench.
Minutelabs Virtual Labs.
bplant (plant database of North American flora organized by biome).
NASA Climate and Radiation Lab.
CDC Solve The Outbreak (epidemiology educational games).
Foldit (protein modeling game).
Epidemic Simulator.
NOAA Solar Cycle Tracker.
Blogs, Personal Sites, and Forums
Autistic As Fxxk.
It's Ya Boy Pedro!.
Lavender Spice.
Lilly Land.
House of Kira.
Tools, Practical Skills, How-Tos
eSims for Gaza.
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Technical Info.
United States Power Outage Map.
Nicky Case.
Coolors Color Palette Generator.
Backlink Checker.
Pixlr Photo Editor and Design Tools.
Clicktivist Internet Safety and Internet Activism.
Online Spyware Watchdog.
Rarebit Open Source HTML Webcomic Template.
AirNow Wildfire and Air Quality Map.
Earthquake Tracker.
Real Time Lightning Map.
Lists, Databases, and Reference Material
Does the Dog Die (community sourced trigger warnings for media).
DIY Punk Database (UK Based).
Girl and Queer Punk Bands.
Philly Venues.
Pick Your Own Farm List.
Pumpkin Patch List.
Police Manuals of Major US Cities.
Digital Transgender Archive.
If It Were My Home.
Global Homicide Rate Monitor.
Inside AirBnB: Data on Listings in Major Cities.
List of blogs by Actually Autistic bloggers.
Queer Zine Archive Project.
Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute Index of Aesthetics.
Ancient Greek Language and Culture.
History of Webrings.
Queer Anime Database.
Dimensions Object Size Reference Database.
Class Real Movie List.
Don't Call The Police (Alternative crisis resources to police in US cities).
World Climate Comparitive Charts.
Anilinks Anime and Fandom Page Listings.
ScienceGameCenter (edutaiment game listings).
Slingshot International Radical Spaces Directory.
Fursuit Makers Database.
The Fursuit Database.
Fursuit Review.
Radio Garden.
Every Noise.
Craigslist: Find Anything.
Halloween Ideas.
Frog Quest.
Cat Therapy.
MIDI Files OF Irish Music.
Trainwreck Labs Games.
Study and Struggle.
Black and Pink.
Fall Out Boy Tourdust 8 Ball Song list.
Historical Games.
Plaza One Vaporwave Internet Radio.
Multiplayer Piano.
Microcosm Publishing.
Wooden Shoe Books.
Red Emma's.
Oh Joy Sex Toy: Adult Sexual and Health Education, Art, and Toy Reviews (18+).
Sickmalls historical and present photos.